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Monday, August 31, 2009

=> Preggerbrities!

It's Mommy Monday! Let's display some mommies-to-bes!
First lets show some 1st time mommies!
We all know about Ms. Kourtney Kardashian, age 30, with Beau Scott (watever his last name is) lol

Kourtney remains stylish and manages to wear those high heel pumps throughout the pregnancy! DIVA!!!
Kourtney is due this December.

Then there's Ms. Sarah Michelle Gellar, 32, who is expecting her first child with actor hubby Mr. Freddie Prinze Jr.

SMG makes maternity fashion look very in!!
Sarah Michelle is due in "Fall 2009".. so sometime between Sept & Early December. I will approximate November.

I must say these mommas to be know where to get a great, chic maternity wardrobe!

Another new mom to be will be... Ms. Sarah Chalke, 33.. known for her role in Scrubs as Dr. Elliot... and also the Hanes no wedgie undies commercials lol.. She is expecting with her fiance.

I have no picture of her and her baby bump.. she must be shying from the camera's, but she's already stunning and I'm sure maternity will only add to it!
Sarah is due in "the winter" so I will estimate that she will be due Jan/Feb 2010.

Now onto some moms who will be having a new addition to their families with their new baby!
Ms. Heidi Klum, 36, the famous Victoria Secret supermodel and more famous because of the reality tv show we all love: Project Runway, is expecting her fourth child. She says that this is the last addition to the family... as anything more would be more than her and hubby singer Seal could handle.

One can only hope to look this good after 3 children and pregnant!
Heidi is due in October!! Very soon!

Last but not least... Expecting her second child with husband Rene... Ms. Celine Dion! At age 41, Celine Dion is pregnant yet again! This must be recent news as she is due in May 2010. I wish her family luck.. no pictures of her yet pregnant of course.. this is fresh news!

Pic of Ms. Dion in earlier pregnancy... so serene.

Arent all these women gracefully beautiful in their pregnancies?
Now, all of these women are having their babies in their 30s...
Even Heidi Klum had her 1st child at 30 and Celine at 32...
Do you think the 30s are a little too late to have children?
How about your 40s for a second child, like Ms. Dion?
What does your biological time clock look like?
And for guys.. is 67 too old for you to have children (as that is the age of Rene, Dion's husband)?
Let me know..

Niki I.

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

=> Lindsay the Burglar??

Ok, so Ms. Lindsay Lohan is moving out her Hollywood Hills apartment to move into a safer, high rise building with a doorman. She has been robbed a few times, and I guess the last time was the last straw.
Personal items were taken in the last robbery, but now she says that she knows "it was not a robbery. electronics (assuming she means nothing with value) werent taken... just certain things that a certain old friend knew meant alot to [her]." There is rumor that one of the 'certain things' may be a sex tape... why does every celebrity seem to have one?? it's no longer taboo with so many of them popping up, it's just a usual chore of life apparently.
Anyway... The LAPD was able to snag some footage (though dark obviously) of the burglary..
One of which happens to be a clip of one of the robbers...
They say it looks like it might be Lindsay...
Look at the robber pic on the left and her on the right.

HMMMMM... I can see the striking resemblance...

Idk.. i cant really say its her.. or that it's not. That picture isnt clear enough..
Even with a picture with her looking down next to it..
I can't rule her out.. but the picture isn't crystal clear to rule her in...

So what do you think? Is this suspect??
Do you think it IS Ms. LL? Do you think she's a suspect in the non-robbery (as she says) of her home??
Do you think a celebrity would pull off a stunt like this??? WHY?
What could be her reaons?
Ask yourself, "Would I do it?" ... The Truth is in the I.

Niki I.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

=> Imitation Cheap

It's Sloppy Saturday! YUMMM!!!
Today we show vivid examples of what I consider to be hot messes...
For example, this video below.
You know how magazines and tv shows often times try to find look-a-like outfits of celebrities that are cheaper and affordable for us common folk?
Well, here's one on hair accessories... only it's gone wrong.

Oooooooh... AHHHHHH!!!!

I wonder what kind of people they had going into stores to find these supposed look-a-likes?
Clearly it was a harder task than they'd first imagined...
I must say I give much props to the host for keeping a straight face and sounding VERY believable! She definitely deserves her job!

So... are there any look-a-like hair accessories that were to die for? Any ones that you would rather die than wear??
Sandra Bullock...
I keep seeing this picture of a... I think... dress that someone threw up -- I mean threw on her!
Who is her stylist and why did they put her dress, shoes, and hair so horridly together?! Or did she style herSELF??!??
This was for the premiere of her new movie!
Sorry Ms. Bullock.. you are beautiful and you deserved better.

I can ALMOST see why someone would wear this.
Maybe with the right shoes and on the right body??

Ms. S. Bullock on a fantastic day

Do you think Sandra Bullock looks bad in the first dress? Do you think it's the dress or her? Who do you think might better work that dress?
Brody Jenner's manhandling... of Joe Francis..
Another Guys & Dolls moment! Wow that club gets lots of publicity..
and all publicity is good publicity right? LOL
Mr. B. Jenner hit Joe Francis aka Mr. Girls Gone Wild
after his girlfriend, Ms. Jayde Nicole tried to play wonderwoman.
She threw a drink on him because she believed that he was harassing a friend of hers...
Who also happens to be one of his (Mr.GGW) exes.
She threw a drink on him and according to 'Jaydy (that's Jayde+Brody), Mr. GGW began "punching and kicking her".

How could such a beautiful couple...?? It MUST be this dirty vicious man!!!

Mr. Bro J., of course defending his abused girlfriend, broke out into brawl with Mr. GGW.
Mr. GGW says that he had no intention of hurting her and believes that he mightve accidentally yanked her hair....
So far, video footage seems to corroborate his (Mr. GGW's) story.. so...

Now I ask you, what is more sloppy??
Joe Francis beating on a woman? Or Brody beating up a man for yanking his girlfriend's hair?
Only one story can be true!

Niki I.

I don't condone beating on a woman, so yes, if he did punch and kick her, he is wrong in my book and deserved what he got!
BTW, Bleu, isn't that your dress?

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Friday, August 28, 2009

=> Best Dressed Obamas

Mr. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have been placed on Vanity Fair's International Best Dressed List.
FL Michelle Obama has been placed on the list twice before but this is Mr. President Obama's first induction.
Congrats Mr. and Mrs. President. You guys are definitely chic!

AOOOWW!!!! They are one gorgeous couple don't you think?

Do you think the Obamas deserve to be on this list? What other couples do you think should be on this list?

Niki I.

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=> Chris Brown.. POed his P.O.?

I think Chris Breezy Brown may have pissed off his probation officer...
and may have slightly tipped the scale by violating his probation (only hours after the ruling)...
Although he wasn't tipsy (he drank only water), Mr. C Breezy, 20, was in a 21 and over club (Guys & Dolls)...
21 and over clubs are where liquor is clearly a main sale...
Sooo... although he didnt drink any liquor, because he was under 21 he should've never been there in the first place.. He broke the law...

Articles are saying that Mr. C Bree "shocked fans by seemingly showing little remorse over the vicious attack by heading for a night out".... PUH-LEASE. Talk about sensationalizing. I've never gone through court proceedings, but I am pretty sure that most people would want to go out and celebrate for not going to prison... and for wrapping up court. Heck, one day of jury duty was too much for me... So, as much as I don't feel sorry for what he did, I do think he has a right to go out and chillax after all this.

FROM THE COURT TO THE CLUB... Always Dressed for Success!

How long do you have to show remorse before it is enough? He is not going to forget what he did with his 1 yr of DV counseling, 6 months of physical labor community service, 5 yrs of probation along with 100-yds restraint from Rihanna to match... I'm not saying that the punishment fits the crime, that's not for me to judge, I'm simply saying, he will not easily forget it.

They say that the violation of his probation will not be taken lightly and they won't.. especially since they're making an example out of him. But I feel that the club should be held responsible for allowing him into the club to begin with. It is beyond easy to find out his age... matter-of-fact I'm sure they don't bother because he is who is... Him being there may increase revenue. If they allowed him to enter without carding him, let it be there mistake. It is their establishment. They sell liquour... They allowed an underage person into their premises and I'm sure would've allowed him to buy liquour if he'd wanted to... So, shouldn't they be more at fault? Takes a village to raise a child, don't it?

So if you had to go to court (as a defendant) and received the final court ruling and were not going to prison... would you go out for a drink or hang out with your friends? Would you show "little remorse" too??

Niki I.

Apparently he danced out to MJ's Dirty Diana as well... Got the crowd excited... Iono about you, but I would've paid to see that... I'm sure the club figured that too...
Especially since he didn't get to publicly perform for any MJ tribute.

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=> Broken Hand: Car or a Motorcycle?

So... It seems that Mr. George Clooney broke his hand..
Earlier reports claimed that he had hurt it when riding his motorcycle in on the border of Switzerland and Italy,
but his reps have come forward denying this claim.
Mr. G. Cloon broke his hand by slamming it in his car door on in his property in Italy.
I don't know what's worse -- that they got the vehicle wrong or the location...
Makes one wonder what other stories are just stories.
Mr. Clooney's hand is in a temporary cast. Why?
He probably slammed it real bad.. and he is "48 years old".
he doesn't have the youngest body. His hand needs to heal properly and as quickly as possible.
If it's a cast he needs.. give it to him!


Of course they had to mention a previous collision he had while on his motorcycle with an ex into a car (giving him hairline rib fractures).. I think they're trying to portray Mr. G. Cloo as reckless... Just because his love life is reckless doesn't mean all of him is...

Which brings me to my question:
If you broke your hand, would you rather it be believed that it was from riding your motorcycle a little too rough, or from making a hand sandwich with your car door?

Niki I.

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=> A Buck or Denzel... hmmm??

So it seems that in Ohio there was a casting call for a new Denzel Washington movie, "Unstoppable"... according to the Associated Press, it seems that some people were more interested in the buck ($100)-a-day as an extra than they were in meeting/working with Mr. D. Washington.


"Times is hard" is pretty much what one guy said, lol, though not exactly his words.
So here's my question... If you had the opportunity to work closely with a star without pay or work distant from a star (maybe never meeting or really seeing them close if at all) and being paid a buck-a-day, which would you pick?
Does it matter whether it's a favorite celeb or not? Let me know.

Niki I.

By the way, this movie is about a runaway train... Now I know Pelham 123 was not exactly a runaway train, but a train taken over (Sorry if I'm spoiling), but don't you think that it's important that he not do a movie about trains so closely together?
I used to get very upset that Mr. D Wash was awarded an Oscar for Training Day because he's done far more outstanding work prior to that, but his acting style is no longer as versatile as it used to be... Denzel is Denzel. He can play a blue collar or white collar... it'll be a denzel collar... so i don't think it helps to have 2 movies about trains so close together as well.. That's my 2 cents.

There's always another story called truth...


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